
1902 ca. STUDEBAKER ELECTRIC VEHICLES Catalogue No. 209 Studebaker Bros. Mfg. Co. South Bend, Indiana pages 10 & 11

Flying Jackalope ca. 1992 South Dakota Gold One of the world’s rarest and most unusual animals… it is most frequently found in South Dakota. It is extremely shy and capable of blinding speed to escape detection. Because of its evasive capability it has not been considered one of our “endangered species” despite its rarity. 1984 Dakotaland Postcards & Souvenirs, Inc. Mitchell, SD 6″x4″

Flying Jackalope One of the world’s rarest and most unusual animals… The Flying Jackalope is most frequently found in South Dakota’s Badlands near Wall. It is extremely shy and capable of blinding speed to escape detection. Because of its evasive nature it has not been considered one of the “endangered species” despite its rarity. This prize photo was taken with a telephoto lens a short way east of Wall. Wall Drug Custom Print Plastichrome Boston, MA 6″x4″

Jackalopesis-Pheasantarus (Latin name) This startling photo of a rare Jackalope hybrid is a just reward for the patient photographer that caught this female of the species shortly after laying her one egg of a three year cycle. A valid reason why this creature of the Western United States has been so scarce down through the ages. Wall Drug Store Elite Prints Ireland 6″x4″

The Western Jackalope This is an exceptional photo, as it not only shows the Western Jackalope in its natural habitat, a rare treat in itself, but it is picture of the almost non-existent hybrid, the Jackalopesis Pheasantarus, a creature peculiar to the Western United States and derived from mysterious hetergenous sources. Wall Drug Store Elite Prints Ireland 6″x4″